大多数疣都不是严重的健康问题, 但它们可能都是痛苦的, 而且它们可能对治疗产生抗药性. You may need to see your Podi­a­trist to treat and remove plan­tar warts.


计划-焦油疣经常被误认为是玉米或cal - plus. 要做出区分,请查找:

  • 脚底的肉质颗粒状小肿块
  • Hard, flat growths with a rough sur­face and well-defined boundaries
  • 灰色或棕色块状,有一个或多个黑色针尖, 它们实际上很小, 血管凝结, 不 疣种子”
  • Bumps that inter­rupt the nor­mal lines and ridges in the skin of your feet


You acquire warts through direct con­tact with the human papil­lo­mavirus (HPV). HPV有100多种. Some types of HPV tend to cause warts on your hands, fin­gers or near your fin­ger­nails. 另一些则会让你的脚长疣.

引起疣的病毒传染性不高, 但它在温暖的地方茁壮成长, 潮湿envi-ron-ments, 比如展示层, 更衣室和公共游泳区. So you may con­tract the virus by walk­ing bare­foot in pub­lic places.

Like oth­er infec­tious dis­eases, HPV may also pass from per­son to per­son. 如果你长了疣, you can even spread the virus to oth­er places on your own foot by touch­ing or scratch­ing. 这种病毒也可以通过接触疣体脱落的皮肤传播.

每个人的免疫系统对疣的反应不同, 所以并不是每个接触过HPV的人都会得疣.


Plan­tar warts are more like­ly to appear on the feet of peo­ple with:

  • 多次接触病毒
  • 皮肤破损或割伤
  • 出汗的皮肤

原因医生们也不明白, 有些人更容易感染引起疣的病毒, 就像有些人更容易感冒一样. Chil­dren and teenagers tend to be espe­cial­ly vul­ner­a­ble to plan­tar warts.


如果疣持续存在,请去看医生, 多次重复或循环, 尽管在家治疗, 或者如果疣妨碍了你的活动. Also see your doc­tor if your warts are painful or change in appear­ance or col­or. If you have dia­betes or a cir­cu­la­to­ry dis­or­der, don’t try to treat any plan­tar warts at home. 向医生寻求治疗.

In some cas­es, you may need to con­sult your doc­tor to ensure a cor­rect diag­no­sis. It’s pos­si­ble for more seri­ous lesions to appear on your feet, 包括被称为car-ci-no-mas的癌性肿瘤和黑色素瘤.


In most cas­es, your doc­tor can diag­nose plan­tar warts just by inspect­ing your feet. If there’s any doubt, your doc­tor may need to pare down the lump with a scalpel. 为什么? 玉米和玉米没有血液供应,不会流血, while plan­tar warts will show signs of pin­point bleed­ing from their dark dots, 哪些是真正的血管.

如果对诊断结果还有疑问的话, your doc­tor may take a sam­ple of your foot tis­sue and send it to a lab­o­ra­to­ry for analysis.


Plan-tar疣是可以预防的. They can shed the virus into the skin of your foot before they’re treat­ed, 促使新的疣长得和旧的一样快. The best defense is to treat new warts as quick­ly as pos­si­ble so that they have lit­tle time to spread.

如果untreat-ed, warts can swell to an inch or more in cir­cum­fer­ence and they can spread, 发展成一簇疣,称为镶嵌疣. 它们也可能变得极其痛苦. If you have lots of plan­tar warts, the pain may make it dif­fi­cult for you to walk or run.


疣通常需要某种类型的治疗. 疣 on the feet can be par­tic­u­lar­ly per­sis­tent and dif­fi­cult to treat. Unless you have an impaired immune sys­tem or dia­betes or are preg­nant, there’s no rea­son you can’t try to treat warts with over-the-counter reme­dies. 但你可能希望向你的医生咨询额外的帮助.

没有任何一种治疗方法100%有效. 在gen-er-al, your doc­tor will rec­om­mend the least painful — and least destruc­tive — meth­ods first, 尤其是对孩子.


Your doc­tor may sug­gest try­ing these com­mon treat­ments one at a time or in combination:

  • 非处方盐- i -环酸 药店可以买到治疗疣的药物和贴片. 治疗计划焦油疣, you’ll need a sal­i­cylic acid solu­tion or patch which peels off the infect­ed skin a lit­tle bit at a time. 每天使用一到两次这种溶液, 小心避免健康的皮肤, 哪些会被酸腐蚀. 在应用程序之间, pare away the dead skin and wart tis­sue using a pumice stone or emery board. You may need to repeat this process for up to three or four weeks to com­plete­ly elim­i­nate warts.
  • 布基胶带 In a well-pub­li­cized 2002 study, duct tape wiped out more warts than freez­ing (cryother­a­py) did. 研究那些使用过的人 duct tape ther­a­py” cov­ered their warts in duct tape for six days, 然后把他们的疣泡在水里, 用金刚砂板或浮石轻轻摩擦疣. They repeat­ed this process for up to two months or until their warts went away. Researchers hypoth­e­size that this uncon­ven­tion­al ther­a­py may work by irri­tat­ing warts and the sur­round­ing skin, 促使身体的免疫系统进行攻击. 今天, 管道胶带通常用于治疗疣, espe­cial­ly for chil­dren who may find freez­ing painful or scary. 它通常与盐- i -环酸结合.
  • Freez-ing (cryother-a-py) Freez­ing is one of the most com­mon treat­ments for plan­tar warts and is some­times effec­tive, but may require mul­ti­ple trips to your doc­tor every two to four weeks. Your doc­tor can apply liq­uid nitro­gen with a spray can­is­ter or cot­ton-tipped appli­ca­tor. 这种化学物质会在你的疣周围形成水泡, 死亡的细菌会在一周左右的时间内脱落. Freez­ing isn’t com­mon­ly used in young chil­dren because it can be painful.
  • Can-tharidin Doc­tors and heal­ers have used can­tharidin — a sub­stance extract­ed from the blis­ter bee­tle — to treat warts for cen­turies. Your doc­tor paints this bee­tle juice onto your wart and cov­ers it with clear tape. 应用程序最初是无痛的, 但它会导致疣下的皮肤起水泡, 把疣从皮肤上揭下来. Your doc­tor can then clip away the dead part of the wart in about a week. Some­times the blis­ters are painful but this is of the most effec­tive treat­ments available.


如果你的疣对常规治疗没有反应, 你的医生可能会建议一种或多种其他选择. Please 不e each of these treat­ments has a chance of reoc­cur­rence as well.

小手术 This involves cut­ting away the wart or destroy­ing the wart by using an elec­tric nee­dle in a process called elec­trodes­ic­ca­tion and curet­tage. This treat­ment is effec­tive, but may leave a scar if 不 done care­ful­ly. 在做这个手术之前,你的医生会给你的皮肤消毒.

激光手术 Doc­tors can use sev­er­al types of lasers to elim­i­nate stub­born warts. Sur­gi­cal and non-sur­gi­cal types require mul­ti­ple treat­ments as well. 疗效因患者而异.

取得其他med-ica-tions 在严重的情况下,还没有清除其他的, your doc­tor may inject each wart with a med­ica­tion called bleomycin, 杀死病毒. This med­ica­tion is giv­en sys­tem­i­cal­ly in high­er dos­es to treat some kinds of can­cer. The injec­tions for wart treat­ment can be painful and can cause rash­es or itch­ing. They’re 不 used if you’re preg­nant or breast-feed­ing or if you have cir­cu­la­tion prob­lems, 在非常极端的情况下使用.



  • 避免与疣直接接触. 这包括你自己的缺点.
  • 保持你的脚干净干燥. 每天换鞋和袜子.
  • 不要光着脚去公共场所. 在公共游泳池和更衣室穿鞋或凉鞋.
  • 不要挑刺. 采摘可能会传播病毒.