Current Study Trials

Alu­mis: Oral treat­ment for mod­er­ate to severe Plaque Psoriasis

Arrow­head: Injectable treat­ment for Hypertriglyceridemia

AstraZeneca: Inhala­tion treat­ment for mild to mod­er­ate Asth­ma in chil­dren and adults

AstraZeneca: RSV/​hMPV vac­cine for adults age 60 and older

Eli Lil­ly: Oral treat­ment for mod­er­ate to severe Alope­cia Area­ta for ages 6 to 17

Incyte: Top­i­cal treat­ment for mild, mod­er­ate, or severe Pruri­go Nodularis

Pfiz­er: Oral treat­ment for Non-seg­men­tal Vitiligo

Regen­eron: Injectable/​Intravenous treat­ment for Obesity

Sanofi: Pneu­mo­coc­cal vac­cine for infants and toddlers

    If you have any ques­tions regard­ing any of the tri­als list­ed here, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us at 574−204−6192 or research@​southbendclinic.​com.